Welcome - I'm Jake Hawes.

Pronouns: he/him   Location: Nashville, TN, USA

I'm a PhD Candidate at the University of Michigan's School for Environment and Sustainability. I study sustainability, resilience, and justice in food-energy-water systems as part of the Urban Sustainability Research Group. 

I am an interdisciplinary instructor and researcher, grounded in geography and engineering, studying transformations in social-ecological-technological systems (SETS). I completed degrees in engineering and natural resources social science before bringing these lenses and methods to the geography-oriented lab of Joshua Newell at the University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability.

At SEAS, I have developed a mixed methods dissertation studying tradeoffs and synergies in sustainability, resilience, and justice in urban food systems. I am employing life cycle assessment, survey research, and spatial analysis to study the environmental, social, and spatial effects of urban agriculture, contributing to our understanding of its role in cities today and tomorrow. To support this work, I have joined Dr. Newell in the FEW-meter international urban agriculture research project

My other work has covered topics varying from agricultural adaptation in the American west to sustainability education to redistricting and democracy. Learn more about these efforts under My work

Questions? Get in touch at jkhawes@umich.edu.